Getting to know us

      We are not a company but a consortium, of more than 3000 students of professionals in all sectors of IT, robotics and research, which allows us to offer you the best service.

      DEVA is a solution, capable of solving all kinds of challenges, challenges, while training on the latest technologies and performing research and testing in the field of computing and global network development.

     We attach great importance to our ecological footprint, which is why we favor partners who use energy efficient servers.

Why us ?

      Only those who think they are crazy enough to change the world will succeed.

     We embrace the concept that the machine is at the service of humanity and not the other way around. For this we base ourselves on the most ergonomic concept and intuitiveness.

     Our strength is invisible which makes things even more impactful and we are invincible, because we are constantly evolving. A new technology appears on the market that we already master, a technology is developing that we are part of it. We are everywhere and nowhere at the same time because we are not a company but many creative minds.

     Our ambitions:

are broad but not impractical. Fundamentally change the use of the web, based on the fact that it must be profitable for everyone. This should not be a business and idea trap forged by others.

    But although each one finds with fairness and equity what he has come to seek.